Thursday, September 4, 2008


After discovering that blog spot even existed (thanks Leanne!), I decided I would create an account and try it out. I thought it would be a good idea to keep everyone updated about our lives and about Kade. Hopefully, I will have a chance to post a blog every week or two just to let everyone know about any new developments in our lives.

So for now...
Reid is working like crazy- between the City and here at home. I am finally starting to feel comfortable with my new position at Shawmut (FINALLY!). Kade changes so much each day!
He started crawling around the end of July, and he seems to be "on the go" all of the time now. He is always in to something, and he is always so happy. We laugh and play everyday when I pick him up from "school".
He has 4 new teeth- which have been keeping he and I both up at night lately! :)
"Dancing" and clapping his hands are two of the funniest things right now. Bath time is also a favorite!
He is drinking from a sippy cup and eating any and everything. He really loves spaghetti!
His blonde hair grows thicker and longer each day and he is still a little chunky (which I love).
He says "DaDa" all of the time and just started saying "BaBa". He has said "MaMa" maybe 3 times. Reid loves the fact that he says "DaDa" more than "Ma Ma"!

Hopefully, I will get a good picture of his 4 new teeth soon and I will post it on here.

We hope everyone is doing great! Have a wonderful week (what is left of it anyways)! Be sure to support Auburn this Saturday! War Eagle!

We love you!
Reid, Karla, and Kade Riley


scott and leanne said...

I love it! This is a great way to stay in touch..can't wait to see you guys next week! lOVE YOU..and give my chunky money a hug and a kiss.

Will and Tai Boos said...

Hey Reid and Karla! I hope you guys are doing well. I saw your blog through Leanne's. That little Kade is such a doll! I wanted to give you guys Bella's blog. It's at

Talk to you soon,

dianne said...

I saw your page on Leanne's page. Computers are a wonderful way to keep up with familes. Kade is growing so fast. Hope to see you soon in Frogeye.
Love, Dianne